Water Filters & Softeners in Maine
Water Filters & Softeners in Maine. What’s with that !? So… here it is. Maine cities & towns that take their water from the earth’s surface tend to be “softer” than water taken from deep wells. Well water tends to be “Harder”. So if you live in Portland Maine, your water probably comes from Sebago Lake. Sebago is a “surface water”. Therefore, it is relatively soft compared to a private well in neighboring Windham Maine. Most folks living in Portland Maine and being served by Portland’s city water supply, would see no need for a water softener. The same can be said for Bangor’s water supply and their residential customers. However, there are 10’s of thousands of Mainers that get their water from their own private well. These folks need to look at things differently… very differently. We will discuss Maine well owners in the next post. Meanwhile, if you live on Portland or Bangor city water, be cautious if you are approached by a water softener sales person. Not all folks in this industry are looking out for your best interest. If you want to just chat about your water, feel free to call me… Thank you…. Chuck…. 207-907-9772.
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